We present you with the top books on Stack Overflow and other popular Stack Exchange sites. These books are analyzed from all questions, answers, and comments across the whole site, as well as the most popular tags in each site.
How are “the top books” defined? We count the number of links from Amazon for each book. We list the top 30 books within all tags, and within each of the top 100 tags. Due to space limit, only the top 20 tags are shown above the bar chart. However, all top 100 tags can be selected from the Tag drop-down list. We are still improving the counting approach to make the results more accurate. The current counting approach has some issue that needs to be fixed, as pointed out by a user on Hacker News. For example, Oxford English Dictionary is such a common book that users are unlikely to append a link whenever they mention it. Furthermore, users can use OED and other alternatives to replace Oxford English Dictionary.
Are there any other metrics to indicate the quality of book discussions? Yes, as suggested by a few users also from Hacker News. This is another thing that needs to be improved.
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